Title: Trading Places Description: Joe Biden's advantage over President Donald Trump has expanded and the former vice president now holds his widest lead of the cycle with less than a month remaining before Election Day. Date added: 10/09/2020

Title: Fly guy Description: A fly landed on Mike Pence’s head during the vice presidential debate and rested there for nearly two minutes. Date Added: 10/08/2020

Title: Feeling Great Description: President Trump reports feeling “great” and experiencing no symptoms less than six days after being diagnosed with the novel coronavirus. Date Added: 10/07/2020

Title: Comeback Trump Description: A strongly medicated Trump bolted from his VIP hospital bubble Monday, staging a bizarre White House comeback that included an irresponsible mask removal and a reckless pronouncement there is nothing to fear from Covid-19, which has already killed 210,000 Americans. Date Added: 10/06/2020

Title: Selfcare Description: President Donald Trump says he's leaving the hospital after three nights, declaring he is "feeling really good!" and that coronavirus is nothing to fear. Date Added: 10/05/2020

Title: Selfcare Description: Trump tested positive for the coronavirus. Date Added: 10/03/2020

Title: Presidential debat Description: It did not take long for the first presidential debate of the 2020 general election to spiral totally out of control. President Donald Trump simply would not stop talking—badgering, heckling, taunting and sniping at both his opponent and the moderator. Date Added: 10/02/2020

Title: Laws Description: Donald Trump paid no federal income taxes whatsoever in 10 out of 15 years beginning in 2000 because he reported losing significantly more than he made, according to an explosive report released Sunday by the New York Times. Date Added: 09/29/2020

Title: Death & Trump Description: Donald Trump paid no federal income taxes whatsoever in 10 out of 15 years beginning in 2000 because he reported losing significantly more than he made, according to an explosive report released Sunday by the New York Times. Date Added: 09/28/2020

Title: Corona Cup Description: The US coronavirus death toll has passed 200,000, according to data from Johns Hopkins University (JHU). Date Added: 09/26/2020

Title: Farm debt Description: Trump may be losing his grip on farm country. The president has given rural America lots of handouts. He hasn’t solved any of its problems. Date Added: 09/25/2020

Title: Lockdown 2.0 Description: Boris Johnson's early Christmas present to Britain: Six months of coronavirus gloom. Date Added: 09/24/2020

Title: Autocratic Cuties Description: French filmmaker Maïmouna Doucouré's film Cuties has been the center of controversy in North America. Date Added: 09/22/2020

Title: Rush Description: President Donald Trump and senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell are vowing to fill the seat despite the impending election. Date Added: 09/21/2020

Title: Badmen Description: "Donald Trump and William Barr are the worst buddy-cop duo of all time." Date Added: 09/19/2020

Title: Kanye Moses West Description: Kanye West declares himself 'new Moses' as he demands release from Universal and Sony contract. Date Added: 09/17/2020

Title: The Perpetrator Description: Iran executes young wrestler Navid Afkari despite global outcry. Date Added: 09/13/2020

Title: Pirates of the European Description: Boris Johnson on a collision course with the European Union. Date Added: 09/11/2020

Title: Loser Description: Trump disparaged American war dead as 'losers' and 'suckers'. Date Added: 09/07/2020

Title: Bloodymir Putin too Description: Putin critic Alexei Navalny poisoned with Novichok, Berlin says. Date Added: 09/03/2020

Title: Ron Jeremy too Description: Porn star Ron Jeremy is facing an additional 20 counts of forcible rape, sexual battery, sodomy and more. Date Added: 09/02/2020

Title: Firestarter Description: Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler blames President Trump for downtown violence. Date Added: 08/31/2020

Title: Back-up Description: Putin prepares for a controlled succession in Belarus. Date Added: 08/31/2020

Title: Trump vs. Biden Description: Trump vs. Biden fight over a divided nation. Date Added: 08/30/2020

Title: Goodyear Biden Description: Former Vice President Joe Biden stands behind Goodyear after President Trump calls for boycott, claiming that the company has banned hats bearing his campaign phrase "Make America Great Again," or MAGA. Date Added: 08/21/2020

Title: Special delivery Description: Democrats fight back in US Postal Service showdown with Trump. Date Added: 08/20/2020

Title: Jump start Description: Is Kamala Harris’s vice presidency a presidential springboard? Date Added: 08/20/2020

Title: Presidential springboard Description: Is Kamala Harris’s vice presidency a presidential springboard? Date Added: 08/16/2020

Title: Running mate Harris Description: Joe Biden Announces Sen. Kamala Harris As His Running Mate. Date Added: 08/14/2020

Title: Morning exercise Description: The UK is taking steps to help residents eat healthier as obesity increases the risk of corona death. Prime Minister Johnson says in a video that he was overweight. After recovering from corona, he started to do something about it. Date Added: 07/29/2020

Title: Turning Left Description: Biden’s campaign has been consistently signaling a strong leftward turn across the board since he effectively clinched the nomination in April. Date Added: 07/26/2020

Title: Law and Order Description: Trump's 'law and order' is starting to look like martial law. Date Added: 07/24/2020

Title: Too little, too late Description: It is too late to shut the stable door after the horse has bolted. Date Added: 07/23/2020

Title: 'White House' Description: Kanye West launches US presidential campaign with emotional rally. Date Added: 07/20/2020

Title: Lapdog Dejoy Description: In Louis DeJoy, Trump appears to have found himself another Bill Barr: a bootlick willing to undermine a government agency — and our democratic institutions — to further the boss’s personal political aims. Date Added: 07/20/2020

Title: Portland Description: In recent days, federal security forces have taken to the streets of Portland, clad in camouflage gear suitable for a war zone, and handling anti-racism protesters with tactics reminiscent of dictatorships. Date Added: 07/19/2020

Title: Washington Black Beans Description: The Washington Redskins American football team has said it will retire its name, long criticised as racist. Date Added: 07/17/2020

Title: Black Beans Matter Description: The White House has defended Ivanka Trump tweeting a photo of herself holding up a can of Goya black beans to buck up a Hispanic-owned business that she says has been unfairly treated, arguing she had “every right” to publicly express her support. Date Added: 07/16/2020

Title: Back to School Description: As Trump Demanded Schools Reopen, His Experts Warned of ‘Highest Risk’. Date Added: 07/12/2020

Title: Tik Tok Description: Nations and companies around the world are being sucked into a running battle over the future of technology between the United States and China. Date Added: 07/11/2020