Title: Presidential Face Mask. Description: Drain the swamp... Date Added 04/30/2020

Title: Uncharted Waters. Description: The contrast couldn't be greater, between the simple facts of Fauci and the optimistic vagueness that Trump often repeats. Date Added 04/30/2020

Title: Food Supply Chain Manager. Description: President Donald Trump signed an executive order under the Defense Production Act to compel meat processing plants to remain open amid the coronavirus pandemic. Date Added 04/28/2020

Title: Hide and seek. Description: Kim was last seen in public on April 11. Since then, Kim has remained absent but questions about his status have continued to swirl. Date Added 04/28/2020

Title: Trumpcare. Description: Trump suggests testing injections of UV lights or disinfectants to see if they would kill coronavirus. Date Added 04/26/2020

Title: Mad scientist. Description: Trump, ever the salesman, is peddling dangerous cures for coronavirus. Date Added 04/24/2020

Title: The Invisible Man. Description: Coronavirus puts spotlight on Trump, makes Biden the invisible man in news coverage. Date Added 04/23/2020

Title: Deep Impact. Description: Trump received a clear boost in his approval rating as the coronavirus pandemic began to grip the country. His net approval rating (approval - disapproval) among voters shot up to its highest point since the first month of his presidency. But now, just weeks later, Trump's popularity has been dropping. Date Added 04/20/2020

Title: Total Authority. Description: President Donald Trump falsely claimed he has "total" authority to override governors and force states to reopen their economies despite the ongoing coronavirus pandemic. Date Added 04/16/2020

Title: The Great Trumpolini. Description: In February Trump said coronavirus will 'miraculously' disappear by April. Date Added 04/15/2020

Title: Irresponsible Clown. Description: Boris Johnson tested positive for Covid-19 and ended up in intensive care, but not before causing untold damage and setting a bad example. Date Added 04/14/2020

Title: Wheel clamp. Description: Trump wants to reopen economy soon. But power really lies with governors. Date Added 04/13/2020

Title: Arctium Corona. Description: Happy Easter! Date Added 04/12/2020

Title: Fail. Description: Donald Trump fails in coronavirus crisis. Date Added 04/10/2020

Title: Dracula Xi. Description: A lethal virus carried by vampires is rampaging across America. Date Added 04/09/2020

Title: Sole Survivor. Description: A national health program with unified financing and governance – basically the opposite of what they have in America today – can be a powerful tool in a health crisis. Date Added 04/08/2020

Title: Covid-19 Cure. Description: Trump doubles down on unproven drugs to treat and prevent coronavirus. Date Added 04/07/2020

Title: Resurrection. Description: Trump, who initially set Easter Sunday as a tdate for re-opening the country before backing off because of the coronavirus, suggested agarget ain that Americans might be able to congregate for Easter Sunday services. Date Added 04/05/2020

Title: Saturday Nigh Fever. Description: President Trump as Tony Manero in a corona-inspired parody of Saturday Night Fever. Date Added 04/03/2020

Title: Fair Trade. Description: President Trump and China's Xi pledge to cooperate to fight coronavirus after coronavirus blame game. Date Added 04/02/2020

Title: #Trumpvirus. Description: Trump's approach to the coronavirus is helping the virus to spread. Date Added 04/01/2020

Title: Black Swan. Description: Victor Orbán is using the coronacrisis to cement power. Date Added 03/31/2020

Title: Social Distancing. Description: Trump and social distancing. Date Added 03/30/2020

Title: Corona Control. Description: Contrary to his own belief, Trump has no control over the coronavirus. Date Added 03/29/2020

Title: United we stand. Description: U.S. elections have been upended by the coronavirus pandemic. Date Added 03/26/2020

Title: 2020 Tokyo Olympics. Description: 2020 Tokyo Olympics Could Be Canceled Amid Coronavirus Outbreak. Date Added 03/24/2020

Title: Made in USA. Description: Iran's supreme leader refused American assistance to fight the new coronavirus citing a conspiracy theory claiming it could be man-made by the United States government. Date Added 03/23/2020

Title: Corona strike. Description: Russia is blamed for using the coronavirus pandemic as a chance to incite unrest in the West by spreading fake news and misinformation. Date Added 03/22/2020

Title: The 'Chinese Virus'. Description: US and China pin virus on each other. Trump has been criticised for repeatedly referring to the coronavirus as the "Chinese Virus". Date Added 03/18/2020

Title: Under Control. Description: Contrary to his own belief, Trump has no control over the coronavirus. Date Added 03/16/2020

Title: Total Control. Description: Contrary to his own belief, Trump has no control over the coronavirus. Date Added 03/15/2020

Title: Border Patrol. Description: Trump closes US borders to guard against coronavirus. Date Added 03/13/2020

Title: Frontrunner. Description: Due to the coronavirus threat both Sanders and Biden canceled planned rallies in the Democratic Primary Race. Therefore we have a new Frontrunner. Date Added 03/12/2020

Title: Wake-up Call. Description: The surprise win of 'Sleepy Joe' Biden on Super Tuesday is a wake-up call for Trump. Date Added 03/09/2020

Title: Reckless Driver. Description: Trump's response to coronavirus is reckless. Date Added 03/08/2020

Title: Super Tuesday Bernie Sanders. Description: Forward! Date Added 03/06/2020

Title: Pig in a poke. Description: Michael Bloomberg bought himself a pig in a poke with his participation in the presidential election. Date Added 03/05/2020

Title: Patient Zero. Description: Source found. Date Added 03/03/2020

Title: Super Socialist. Description: In American media, the now 78-year-old Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders, is called invariably liberal (progressive, friendly version) or communist (in conservative media). He himself calls himself a "democratic socialist" - which scares many Americans. Date Added 03/01/2020

Title: US Corona Cup. Date Added 02/29/2020